Personalized Nutritional Support for Women
helping you uncover the root cause of your symptoms, ensuring you feel heard, seen, and supported every step of the way

Hi, I’m Carmelle,
Certified Practicing Nutritionist (CPN) and mum of two girls in Gippsland, VIC, Australia.
I’m in love with the process of natural medicine because I help my patients, especially women, get down to the root cause of their health concerns.
For too long women have been dismissed about their health concerns, and it is my mission to help them gain more energy, sleep better and have access to nutritional support throughout all stages of life.
I have a Bachelor of Health Science in Nutritional Medicine and 9 years clinical experience to offer my patients.
I don’t just treat symptoms (that’s called a band-aid fix), I get down to the core issue of your symptoms and treat them accordingly using a combination of current and emerging research & traditional therapies.
I look at all aspects of your health, not just diet and exercise, in order to gain a proper understanding of your health. Your health is my puzzle, and in order to put all of the pieces together, I ask a lot of questions about a broad range of topics including digestion, sleep, hormones, work, stress etc. Because health is individual, it is not generic – you are not the same as everybody else, you are your own person. This is why I treat everyone as an individual and come up with a health plan to suit your specific needs.
My Aim
To empower women with personalized nutrition support through every life stage

What to expect in a nutritional medicine consultation?
During the 60 minute initial consultation, I thoroughly investigate your health concerns by taking a thorough case history of each system of the body, your medical history, family medical history, diet and lifestyle. I listen to all of your concerns, and answer any questions you have regarding the process.
Depending on your presenting complaint, I may send you for pathology or functional testing in order to gain a better understanding of what’s going on inside your body. The initial consultation is the investigation session, I gather as much information as I can to start putting together the pieces of your health puzzle. I then create a health plan that we discuss in the follow up session, where we will begin to put that plan into action. Each follow up session is to review how you’re going with the plan, how you’re body is responding and whether or not we need to make any adjustments.
Blogs by Vitality Holistic Nutrition
Phone: (03) 51 742 269
Address: 43 Shakespeare Street, Traralgon 3844
(Inside Thrive Chiropractic & Health)
*Enter via Curran Street
Open Hours
Monday: 9.30am - 4pm
Thursday: 11.30am - 6pm
Enquiries? Questions?
If you need more information, have questions, or would like to offer a suggestion, please be in touch. You can contact me & I’ll get back to you as soon as possible.